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Covid-19: Level 3 Information

To our valued Customers and Suppliers


As of the 1 September 2021, we move to Covid-19 Alert Level 3, what that means for us is that we have returned to work, undertaking health measures that will keep our employees safe.  


We will not however, be open to you in the “normal” way.


Please phone us initially with all your enquiries, including:

  • If you would like to discuss a job you would like to have done
  • If you need to collect your order – pre-booked collection of your goods will need to be arranged by phone.  Please do not just turn up.   
  • Our Phone number is 07 847 55 66
  • Alternatively, you can order Stable Hardware and Feed bins online at


When you are visiting us, we ask that you please adhere to the following:

  • For those dropping off or picking up goods, we ask that only one person leaves the vehicle to complete this task
  • You must not enter the workshop or showroom under any circumstances, all drop offs and collections will be from the back corner of the factory, down the driveway.  There will be no access to the showroom.
  • Please respect our employees and keep 2 meters between our employee and yourself
  • Until further notice, we request NO sales representative visits to our premises


We endeavor to get all orders processed in a timely manner, however, with the change in processes this may take a little longer and we ask that you continue to show kindness, we thank you for your continued support and we are committed to providing you with the best level of service and continuity of service.


Take Care


The Team at Magnum Industries